Blue Nova PMC: Gaming Organization

We are a gaming organization called Blue Nova Private Military Company playing and serving in the Star Citizen world by Robert Space Industries. Civilians and citizens of the verse are welcome.

Great service

John Doe


Articles of Charter

Blue Nova Private Military Company

Establish 1 JULY 2954 (2024)

Preamble: The membership of Horace Tibbs, Boltohn and Skadei hereby establish the Blue Nova Private Military Company to better support over all membership and the civilians of the Verse.

Article I – Membership

Article II – Admiralty

Article III – Command Council

Article IV – Division Structure

Article V – Promotions

Article VI – Recruitment

Article VII – Revisions

Article VIII – Amendments

Article I – Membership

I. Civilians and Citizens alike are welcome. RSI website is used as the roster of membership.

II. Organizational Rules are (Manifesto):

1. First and foremost, Family (real life family) First.

a) No need to explain why not present or such, family always comes first.

2. Have Fun in Star Citizen and with Blue Nova.

a) Enjoy the game.

3. Honor and Loyalty to Blue Nova.

a) help team members out

4. Respectful to all players of the Verse

a) treat everyone with dignity and respect. Provide assistance when you can.

5. Integrity.

a) do what is right when no one is watching.

III. Termination and Leave of absence.

A. Leave of absence may be requested and granted at the members request and need for periods of time longer than 3 months. Where the member will have no ability or wanting to play the game via live current patch.

1. Periods of absence

a) 3-6 Months: no rank lost, no loss of Nova Points (promotion system)

b) 6-12 months: no rank lost, half Nova Points to next rank subtracted.

c) 1-2 years: loss of one rank, and points leveled to base line of that rank.

d) 2+ years: loss of two ranks, and points leveled to base line to that rank.

2. Upon Return Admiralty can present to the Command Council to re-instate ranks and positions of leadership.

B. Termination

1. Self termination:

a) If a member leaves the organization by choice via RSI website, there will be at least one rank loss and Nova Points baselined to that equivalent rank regardless of time away from the organization.

b) Time periods matching leave of absence will follow same guidelines except there will be an additional rank lost.

2. Member expelled by Command Council or Admiralty.

a) No member shall be dismissed from Blue Nova except by a majority vote by Command Council or Admiralty.

b) The potential member will be allowed to address the council or admiralty in support of them being retained as a member.

c) If the vote is to be retained yet punishment require:

(1) no more than loss of two ranks (Nova Points base lined).

(2) Communications restrictions no more than 1 month

(3) Transfer of units allowed (squadron to squadron or even wing to wing, to ensure fresh start under a new division),

d) If approved termination:

(1) Can not attempt to rejoin for minimum of 6 months

(2) Lost of three ranks or more

(3) Division Commander sponsorship for return

(4) Command Council ¾+ vote to return.

(5) May be given a probation period of no more than 4 months.

Article II – Admiralty

I. The Admiralty will always have an odd number of admirals/generals Blue Nova Ranks of Level 1, if there is an even number the Adjutant will serve as a temporary member of the council. The Admiralty will start with three as the council for overall leadership and decision making of the Robert Space Industries Star Citizen game organization Blue Nova Private Military Company (BN-PMC).

II. Expanding of the Admiralty will come only with unanimous decision of those on the current admiralty. The goal being two added at a time, yet the number shall never go beyond seven without 85% over of the membership or admiralty and command council in complete agreement.

III. The Admiralty will have final say on all organizational concerns with the leader of the admiral adopting the title “Fleet” in front of their current Blue Nova Rank.

IV. Fleet Admiral/General will be given discretion to run the day-to-day operations based on guidance or counsel of the Admiralty members.

V. In the event one of the admiralty members is on a leave of absence, the TAG will serve as the odd number member as required for decisions.

VI. Admiralty membership:

A. Horace Tibbs – starting rank of fleet rear lieutenant admiral as fleet commander

B. Boltohn – starting rank of brigadier general and commanding the Blue Nova Marine Corps

C. Skadei – starting rank of rear lieutenant admiral and commanding operational system divisions and vice commander of the fleet

Article III – Command Council

I. The Command Council is comprised of the internal division commanders as well as affiliated organizations of over 25 members. This council should have an odd number of divisions. The purpose of this council is to be a sounding board and daily operation of the organization in support of the charter, policies, and Admiralty.

II. Division leadership will be members of the Command Council.

III. Command Council will always be an odd number, if there is an even number of divisions the Adjutancy commander (TAG) will become a non-voting member.

Article IV – Divisions

I. Guidelines

A. The units listed below are the starters

B. Members will grow into building out these first

C. Recruitment groups and small orders can and should adapted to one of the units until we fill them out.

D. Command Council will be used to organize new squadrons and their assignments within divisions. Admiralty will then approve.

E. Commander Air Group Guidance (Policy 3: Flight Operations)

II. Marine Corps – Lead by the Commandant of the Corps (Comdt)

A. Marine Expeditionary Force

1. 1st Platoon (Airmobility) “Berserkers”

2. 2nd Platoon (Mechanized) “Companions”

3. 3rd Platoon (Calvary) “Mongols”

4. 4th Platoon (Light Armor) “Hussars”

5. 5th Platoon (Heavy Armor) "War Horse”

6. 6th Platoon (Air Defense) “Praetorians”

7. 7th Platoon (SFOR) “Immortals”

B. 3rd Wing (MAW)

1. Squadron 2 “Black Lions”

2. Squadron 4 “Widowmakers”

3. Squadron 11 “Skyraiders”

4. Squadron 16 “Startrain”

III. Blue Nova Navy – Lead by the Commander of Air Group (CAG)

A. 1st Wing (Strategic)

1. Squadron 1 “Star Knights” – Fleet Admirals Own

2. Squadron 8 “Death Dealers”

3. Squadron 10 “Wild Weasels”

4. Squadron 14 “Artemis”

5. Squadron 15 “Hellfire”

6. Squadron 17 “Black Lance”

7. Squadron 9 “Pathfinders”

8. Squadron 12 “Reforgers”

B. 2nd Wing (Tactical)

1. Squadron 3 “Black Flag”

2. Squadron 6 “Steel Swarm”

3. Squadron 7 “Lucky Bastards”

4. Squadron 13 “Voidstalkers”

5. Squadron 18 “Hydra”

IV. Medical Operations Group – lead by the Chief Medical Officer (MOG)

A. 4th Wing (Medical)

1. Squadron 5 “Bloodhounds”

2. Squadron 19 “Sawbones”

V. The Adjutancy – Lead by The Adjutant General (TAG)

A. 5th Wing

1. Squadron 888 “The Crazy 8’s”– TAG’s Own

2. Squadron 442 (Lore Makers) “Legends”

3. Squadron 140 Recruiting Command

VI. Operational Systems Divisions

A. 6th Wing (wings added as systems are grouped together or broken off for command and control. Staton system is the starter

1. Squadron 143 (Logistics: Mining & Salvage) “Staton Shire Horses”

2. Squadron 49 “Honey Badgers”

3. Squadron 350 (fuel/repairs) “Wrench Grinders”

4. Squadron 196 (Cargo) “Movers and Shakers”

Article V – Promotion System

I. System

A. Ranks are labelled currently based on how the RSI website levels are incorporated.

B. Promotions are earned by the guidelines within these articles and special assignments by the admiralty.

II. Enlisted Ranks:

A. Level 7

1. Crewman Recruit (Recruit):

2. Joining Blue Nova (BNO)

B. Level 6.1

1. Crewman (Crewmen) – full membership rights

2. Requirement: 50 NP, Veteran, 2 Weeks as Crewman Recruit.

C. Level 6

1. Crewman First Class (CFC)

2. Requirement: 150 NP, minimum 1 month in BNO, and 1 basic qualification ribbon (ADMIRAL skills can be verified via screen shot sent to; address to Adjunct title: Promotion)

D. Level 5.4 - full member with some assisting in events or units

1. Petty Officer (PO)

2. Requirement: 300 NP and 2 basic qualification ribbon and 1 school ribbons

E. Level 5.3

1. Chief Petty Officer (CPO)

2. Requirement: 500 NP, sponsored by level 3 or higher member, 3 basic qualifications and 2 school ribbons

F. Level 5.2

1. Senior Chief Petty Officer (SPO)

2. Requirement: 750 NP, sponsored by level 3 or higher member, 4 basic qualifications and 3 school ribbons

G. Level 5.1

1. Master Chief Petty Officer

2. Requirement: 1000 NP, sponsored by level 3 or higher member, 5 basic qualifications and 4 school ribbons

H. Level 5

1. (base or ship NCOIC)

2. Command Master Chief Petty Officer

3. Requirement: 1100 NP, recommended by level 2 or higher member, 6 basic qualifications and 5 school ribbons

III. Officer Ranks

A. Level 4.2 – trusted member sometimes running an operation.

1. Ensign – may command a ship during organizational events.

2. Requirement, 1250 NP, recommended by a division commander, 7 basic qualifications and 6 school ribbons, voted upon by the command council or Admiralty.

B. Level 4.1

1. Lieutenant Junior Grade – Maybe assigned squadron command

2. Requirement, 1500 NP, recommended by a division commander, 8 basic qualifications and 7 school ribbons, voted upon by the command council or Admiralty.

C. Level 4

1. Lieutenant – A squadron commander with ability to organize Blue Nova Events,

2. Requirement, 2000 NP, recommended by a division commander, 8 basic qualifications and 8 school ribbons, voted upon by the command council or Admiralty.

IV. Divisional Officers

A. Level 3.1

1. Lt. Commander – commander of a Fleet name ship, Division, Wing level

2. Requirements: 2500 NP, recommended by the Fleet Commander, 8 basic qualifications and 9 school ribbons, weapons expert, voted by the Admiralty.

3. Becomes a member of the command council

B. Level 3

1. Commander - commander of a division

2. Membership of the division 10+ members

3. Requirements: 3000 NP, recommended by the Fleet Commander, 8 basic qualifications and 9 school ribbons, weapons expert, vote by the Admiralty.

4. Becomes a member of the command council

C. New Divisions only created based on Admiralty and Command Council agreement,

V. Flag Officers

A. Level 2.1

1. Captain – Commander of a named Command

2. Membership of the division 25+ members

3. Requirement: 4000 NP, recommended by the Fleet Commander, 8 basic qualifications and 9 school ribbons, weapons expert, vote by the Admiralty.

B. Level 2

1. Commodore

2. Membership of the division 50+ members

3. Requirement: 5000 NP, recommended by the Fleet Commander, 8 basic qualifications and 9 school ribbons, weapons expert, vote by the Admiralty.

VI. Admiralty Officers

A. Ranks Reserved only for those in the Admiralty.

B. Navy and All others:

1. Level 1.4 - Rear Lieutenant Admiral (RLAdm)

2. Level 1.3 - Rear Admiral (RAdm)

3. Level 1.2 - Vice Admiral (VAdm)

4. Level 1.1 – Admiral (Adm)

5. Level 1 - Admiral of Organization (AdmO)

C. Marine Corps:

1. Level 1.4 - Brigadier General (BG)

2. Level 1.3 – Major General (MG)

3. Level 1.2 – Lieutenant General (LG)

4. Level 1.1 – General (Gen)

5. Level 1 – General of the Organization (GenO)

VII. Fleet Admiralty – Commanders of a named fleet.

A. First Fleet: Tibbs

1. Starting rank Fleet Rear Lieutenant Admiral

B. Marine Corps: Boltohn

1. Starting rank Brigadier General

C. Operations: Skadei

1. Starting rank Rear Lieutenant Admiral

D. Promotions within the Admiralty

1. Admiralty will have ranks as they see fit yet not above the following guidelines without Division Command Council and Admiralty in 100% agreement

2. Levels to populations

a) Level 1.4: 50 members

b) Level 1.3: 100 members

c) Level 1.2: 200 members

d) Level 1.1: 400 members

e) Level 1: 500+ members and Star Citizen live

VIII. Nova Points (NP)

A. Standard Ideas

1. These are starting guidance based on Alpha 3.23 game play, will be updated through Policy 1: Promotions in later game updates.

2. Attendance at meetings or events gets you 1 NP.

3. On the spot call for anything in a PVP mode gets you 2 NP

4. Leading the organization through an event lead by another organization gets you 5 NP

5. Leading an organization hosted event gets you 10 NP (bonus of 1 for every other organization who shows)

6. Recording organization notes for the organization meeting (unless appointed as perm duty) gets you 5 points

7. Leading the organization meeting (unless Fleet Admiral or Admiral) gets you 10 points.

8. Recruiting a member to BNO gets you 1 Hero point, 5 Hero pts if they get promoted above Recruit, 10 if they stay in BNO for 6 months

9. 100,000 credits earn you 10 NP

10. Common Supplies in the amount of 100 SCU gets you 5 NP, IE: Tier 3: Tungsten, Titanium, Quartz, Iron, Corundum, Copper, Aluminum

11. Common Supplies in the amount of 100 SCU gets you 8 NP, IE: Tier 2: Agricium, Beryl, Borase, Hephaestanite, Laranite

12. Common Supplies in the amount of 100 SCU gets you 10 NP, IE: Tier 1: Taranite, Gold, Bexalite

13. Rare Supplies in the amount of 50 SCU gets you 15 NP, IE: Tier 3: Quantainium

14. To encourage RP, getting out of character as in being rude, fowl mouthed, or killing innocent PCs you will lose 5 Hero pts.

15. Doing a character development gets you 10 NP

16. Doing a small project gets you 5-15 NP pending the type and length

17. Level 3 and higher members can give from 1-5 NP for any reason not covered in above reward areas

18. Members are encouraged to send in their monthly reports on all the actions they have taken, so that NP can be appropriately awarded.

19. Blue Nova Awards (Policy 1.1: Awards will have an updated listed based on game play beyond Alpha 3.23):

a) Heart of Valor – 50 NP and consideration for promotion

b) Superior Combat Service – 40 NP

c) Blue Nova Commendation – 20 NP

d) Commander’s Commendation – 10 NP

e) Blue Nova Achievement – 5 NP

f) More to published with awards policy

B. Small Project Ideas

1. The player draws up a family tree of his character.

2. The player must answer a brief survey of multiple-choice questions about his character.

3. The player must answer a single, thought-provoking question.

4. The player must write up a list of ideas, rumors, or facts relevant to his character or the organization.

5. The player must gather one or more interesting images or bits of information relevant to the organization or his character from the net, books, or magazines.

6. The player must develop a secret for his character that the other members don't know.

7. The player must write a paragraph explaining where he sees his character after gaining third level in the organization, and what assets he will have.

8. The player must write a paragraph explaining who his character's patron is and why.

9. The player must write a short letter from his character to a living relative. The relationship can be congenial, antagonistic, or simply distant as the player sees fit.

10. The player must decide his character's morning routine.

11. The player must write down three idioms that his character uses often. These can be the expressions his character uses when surprised, overjoyed, pr simply talking informally. They don't even need to be complete phrases; general speech patterns will work fine.

12. The player must write a short synopsis of the last playing session.

13. The player must write a brief description of an object that is important to his character.

14. The player must write a short anecdote describing an encounter (not necessarily a combat encounter) his character had within an extreme environment (for example, a burning building, an artic wasteland, or a humid jungle)

15. The player must write a paragraph describing a moral dilemma that his character experienced before entering the organization, shard, or next level of rank.

C. Admiralty and/or Adjutant may update these based on game mechanics.

Article VI – Recruitment

I. Individuals

A. Membership of unaffiliated members will come in at the lowest level.

B. Admiralty is the only one that can promote immediately, Division leaders can make recommendations.

II. Organizations joining

A. Joining as Main Membership of 10+ active members

1. With the Admiralty being presented by a divisional commander the smaller outside grow wishing to join as a group

2. Group leader has ability to represent the entire group

3. Promotions will be Group leader comes in at the same level as a Squadron Leader

a) Currently as of this publication that would be an BN-4.2 Lieutenant

b) Their deputy comes in as a BN-4.1 LT GJ

c) Then after that all ranks will be assigned by divisional commander and group leader working with the admiralty that the ranks are fitting positions

4. Ranks should reflect current squadron formations

B. Joining as Main Membership of 5 to 9 active members

1. With the Admiralty being presented by a divisional commander the smaller outside grow wishing to join as a group

2. Group leader has ability to represent the entire group

3. Promotions will be Group leader comes in at the same level as a detachment of a squadron unless able to recruit another member

a) Currently as of this publication that would be an BN-4.1 Lieutenant junior grade

b) Their deputy comes in as a BN-4.0 Ensign

c) Then after that all ranks will be assigned by divisional commander and group leader working with the admiralty that the ranks are fitting positions

4. Ranks should reflect current squadron formations

C. Joining as Main Membership of 4 or less active members

1. With the Admiralty being presented by a divisional commander the smaller outside grow wishing to join as a group

2. Group leader has ability to represent the entire group

3. Promotions will be Group leader comes in at the same level as a squad or flight leader

a) Currently as of this publication that would be an BN-4.0 Enisgn

b) Their deputy comes in as a BN-5.1 Chief Petty Officer

c) Then after that all ranks will be assigned by divisional commander and group leader working with the admiralty that the ranks are fitting positions

4. Ranks should reflect current squadron formations

D. Groups over 20 members wanting to become main members of Blue Nova

1. Admirals and Division commanders will meet to discuss placement

a) Either creating a new Divisional commander

(1) If this makes and even number, then Adjutancy will be the odd number

(2) If this makes an odd number division, then Adjutancy will become nonvoting member of division commanders

2. Group Leader will be granted the same rank as all current Division commanders.

a) Deputies and subunits granted same ranks and privileges as all others of similar status.

E. MEMBERSHIP joining as affiliate members

1. Same as above yet ranks will be one less and unit level will be treated as one step lower than others.

a) 1-4 members – fire team, NCO rank for leader

b) 5-9 members – flight, SCPO rank for leader

c) 10-19 members – flotilla, LTJG rank for leader

d) 20-49 members – squadron, LT rank for leader

e) 50+ members – Group, Lt Cmdr. rank for leader

F. Upon Admiralty approval of this policy it will be established and date ordered

1. Modification can only come with 50%+1 of divisional commanders

2. Veto enabled by unanimous Admiralty

Article VII – Revisions

I. By an individual member:

A. Members of the organization can present revisions, recommendations, etc. to the commander of their division. Which will then present it to the command council.

B. Membership maybe be allowed to speak with the command council upon command council 2/5 or better (1 less than majority, current command council is 5) vote in interest in the topic.

C. After the members presents his/her topic, they will be dismissed until more questions. With a 4/5 or better agreement it will then be presented to the admiralty for consideration.

D. Admiralty will have final say.

II. Commander of a division

A. Commander can present an item at any time.

B. With a 3/5 or better agreement it will be then presented to the admiralty for consideration.

C. Admiralty will have final say.

III. Admiralty are the leaders of the organization and with majority (at current 2 of 3) vote things will be modified.

Article VIII – Amendments

I. Any revisions will be listed below as Amendments to the Articles of Chater.

II. They will have publication date and full text of before and after, and the charter will be updated with the approved new language.

III. If something not covered above an amendment will be published and added to the charter.


Amendment I – Policy Numbering System

I. This will establish the current numbering of policies. Policies will be used to handle things that change from patch to patch rather than having full amendments and article changes.

II. Policies will be driven from Admiralty and Division/Wing commanders with command council ability to veto anything not within compliance of the Articles of Charter.

III. Policy numbering system series

A. Policy 1 – Administrative

1. Policy 1.01 Awards

2. Policy 1.02 Promotion Systems

B. Policy 2 – Intelligence/Counterintelligence

C. Policy 3 – Operational for Navy

1. Policy 3.01 Squadron Organization

D. Policy 4 – logistical or supply

E. Policy 5 – Command group: Division/Wing & Admiralty

F. Policy 6 – Communications

G. Policy 7 – Marine Division

H. Policy 8 – Medical Division

I. Policy 9 – Financial

J. Policy 10 – Adjutancy Division

K. Policy 30 – CAG Division

Blue Nova PMC is the best gaming organization in the Star Citizen world! They provide top-notch service and welcome all citizens of the verse.

Blue Nova PMC Adjutancy

BNPMC Adjutancy
BNPMC Adjutancy
