Blue Nova Awards

Exploring new galaxies and protecting citizens in the star citizen world.

Heart of Valor
Heart of Valor
Protecting Citizens Now

Join us today to make a difference in the verse.

Order of the Golden Sun
Order of the Golden Sun
BN Good Conduct
BN Good Conduct
Stanton Contract Service
Stanton Contract Service
Galactic Exploration Team

Embark on thrilling missions and discover new frontiers with us.

Order of Precedence

as of JUN 2024

Name Awards

1 Heart of Valor

2 Superior Combat Service

3 Blue Nova Commendation

4 Golden Sun Award

5 Commander's Commendation

6 Blue Nova Achievement

7 Combat Rescue

8 Counter Narcotics Award

9 Good Conduct


10 Fleet Flight

11 Engineering

12 Heavy Weapons Expert

13 Small Arms Expert

14 Close Support

15 Combat Transportation

16 Medical

17 Salvage

18 Mining

19 Cargo

20 Flight

21 Anti-Air

22 Armor

23 Land Survival

24 Ground Vehicle


25 Overdrive Campaign Ribbon

26 Pryo Expeditionary

27 Stanton Contract


28 Fleet Operations School

29 Advance Space Combat Maneuvering School

30 Advance Infantry Training School

31 Adv Infantry

32 Space Combat Maneuvering

33 Ship Attack

34 Space Gunnery

35 Infantry

36 Ground Vehicle

37 Flight Operations